When Aaron was very little, just a couple weeks old, he'd stare at something for a long time, studying it, and then blink in slow, methodical blinks. It was so cute - I thought he looked like a bug. So that is what I began calling him...my little bug. Every once in awhile it comes out "Bugs" but any reference to a Warner Bros. Character is strictly accidental. Hopefully it won't stick through his whole life and become an embarrassment to him.
I didn't really HAVE a nickname, unless you count "Jenny" but I don't happen to think that counts.
Does your family do nicknames?
"Bugs" is a very sweet nickname, but you are right - kids would make fun! Better just use it a home. And not to worry, Aaron will definately let you know - in no uncertain terms - when he no longers wants to be called BUGS (probably once he get taller than you!:)
Yes, our grandkids all have a cute little nickname that their daddy gave them as babies, just funny made-up names that are not even in the dictionary. NO WAY would they use that name in front of friends, or at school, but it is endearing to them when their dad calls them that name at home. It also makes a great password for their e-mail account which only they - and their parents - know!
Sara is peanut--she's always been tiny, but she just sort of ended up with that nickname and it really fits. . . Silas is buddy--both of their nicknames are random but they have stuck. Matt and I have called each other "Bub" since we were dating at NBBC--and yes, people think it's a little odd, but that's okay with me!:)
I've always been Bugga to my mom (Bugga-Boo). She has transferred that to Elijah now. I call Elijah my little Chunka Munka due to his little chubby legs! I definitely won't call him that for a long time - don't want to give him a complex :-)
My family didn't really do nicknames - we always used our full, long names - Daniel, Mathew, Janelle. My real name is Katie, not anything longer. Though, Janelle has an annoying habit of calling me a variety of unattractive names, such as Katie Naner Nanutsky Brunsky. My niece and nephews call me Auntie Nanner. My nephew is Buddy instead of Paul, and I often call Luke Lukie. So there you have it - my family's nickname history. :)
Oh, yes. My dad called--and still calls-me Precious. I think he has long forgotten my name. When Livvie was still in utero, and before we knew she was a girl, we called her Peanut, and my dad still calls her that. I guess my dad is the nickname king. :) Nate & I call one another Babe. Actually, it feels strange to call him Nate to his face.
My grandpa gave each of us nicknames (I was Beth and it always made me feel so special when he called me that) My mom called me z-bee then for our kids - We call Caleb honeybun, mike's my honey so he was the honeybun (we are starting to get away from that though) Titus is usually Titus man but tonight Mike called him Mr T and I thought oh no (never thought about that one before). Titus has recently called Caleb Bob Bob since he can't say his name so that's what we been saying too.
Before Caleb's 20 week ultrasound and gender confirmation, I always called him my "mini-me". I figured anything was better than "it"! :)
Boy do we have nicknames! I used to call Alia Lee Lee, and she used to call me Ro. Everyone else called me Ruthie or RuthieLynn Then somehow that morphed into Rooter (and Alia has an addendum to that which I will not mention here) Mark has a new nickname for me everytime I see him. Bonnie calls me Rudy, and I call her Bonald--that happened some time in college. When Matthew was little we used to call him Matso Fatso because he was so scrawny. We have long since dropped the Fatso but I still occasionally call him Matso or Matty. Funny, Sarah and I don't have nicknames for each other. She calls me Ruthie, and she has always been Sarah to me. John and I call each other Babe in public, but occasionally he slips and calls me Pookie--for which he suffers many torments.
I was Cricket growing up. My parents love to watch old movies and had seen one with a little blond girl who was called Cricket. My dad still calls me that sometimes.
Michael was Peanut as soon as he came out even though he was 8 lbs. 5 oz. We also call him Bubba thanks to a special neighbor and friend from back in VT. The two kind of contradict one another.
Michael calls me Rach, Babe, Hon - I call him Good-looking, Babe, Hon. Not too original but it works for us:).
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