Wednesday, November 7

doin' the happy dance

Thanks to Carrie's heads up, we were able to catch the bumGenius sale and with a googled coupon code, saved an additional 5%. These twelve fabulous diapers bring our total stash to 19! Needless to say, this is wonderful news. We'd been saving money reserved from Aaron's baby shower for such a time as this. We are THRILLED with God's orchestration of circumstances to provide diapers for Aaron and any future Muth children (as yet unconceived, to answer your questions)! HALLELUJAH! Incidentally, this is our new couch, too!


Unknown said...

AWESOME deals! Wish I could have some fancy schmancy diapers. But it would be like starting our diaper stock from scratch since we have all we need for basic cloth diapering.

So glad you're a cloth mama! We had to switch chloe to disposables (boo-hiss!) about 5 months ago when she outgrew the biggest size plastic pants I could find. :( Now that we're in potty-training though I'm loving only using 1-2 diapers a day.

Carrie said...

Yay!! I'm so glad I thought to mention the sale and so glad you were able to take advantage of it! :) The diapers look great. I'm so jealous of all the colors! Just kidding . . . but the ones I got were about a year ago on the 1.0 clearance sale, and all they had left were blue (with the fleece lining, which is what I wanted). So we're all set if we have a boy next time . . . but Julia wears them and of course it doesn't matter since they don't show. :) Still, I think more colors are very cool!!

I think our total stash is about the same as yours--can't remember for sure, but it seems like we have around 20 or so. There are a few I haven't even used yet; I probably have about 14 or 15 in the normal rotation. And I still usually put disposables on her for night time and church, things like that. She gets rashes really easily, so I feel it's best for now to still use some disposables too. Hopefully our next kiddo won't be quite so rash-susceptible. :)

Well, I'm very excited for your great deal! Enjoy!!

Tricia said...

So cool, Jenny. I'm a bit jealous of that stash there. I have twelve, so we go through those awfully quick. I'm just not sure if I want to splurge on any more, now would be a good time though with the big sale. By the way, I like the little pink one you got. I don't have any of those! =)

Jenny said...

You are brave. And courageous. And you get major kudos from me for using the traditional cloth diapers. You are preserving a lost art. Do you use pins, too?

Thank you again!! We are planning to continue to do disposables for night & church, too. Aaron is a heavy, heavy wetter. And my nursery workers already think I'm a fruitcake for Other Things, so I think we'll just stick to disposables on church days, too! :-)

Not only are these in cute colors, but the design has been improved, too. I can actually put these covers in the dryer. That is really exciting to me! I love the new design...and that pink diaper is me, holding out for a girl (just one!) sometime in the future. If not, my boys can wear it while I giggle...