I found one of these brand new on Eb*y, and was hours away from winning the deal of a lifetime, and then the listing was pulled. By Eb*y. So God clearly led in that regard, as I had prayed he would when I posted my bid.
Michael and dad were able to get something spectacular accomplished this weekend. I cannot EVEN begin to tell you how thrilled I am about this particular goodie. They got the shelving portion of the garage storage unit done. AND they got our new back door installed, hallelujah!!
Most of this is in preparation for our new siding, as it's rather difficult to side over architectural "wonders" like the doors and outdoor storage we had before. But it's also a necessary part of adding another person to our family and reducing the clutter inside our home. Did I say clutter? I've been trying to look at it as "creative use of space." Hmm. Something must have come over me.
Anyway, this is custom storage shelving made for me and for my bins of clothing and boxes of books. Michael figured out that we can store 28 big bins plus miscellaneous. Thankfully I do not have 28 bins, but it's always great to have room for the inevitable expansion of things. I have been trying to post photos on Facebook, but here are a few before & (kinda) after photos for you to get a general idea of what is going on here. I will be sure to keep you updated as the project moves along.

So now it's your turn!! First, blog about how God has been at work in your life this past week - it can be a physical provision, a spiritual lesson learned, an opportunity to share with others, anything that was an evidence of God at work in you. Then, follow these directions:
In the Mister Linky widget below, simply type your name in the top box, or a short description of the work that God has done, and then in the second box, paste the link from your specific "Works of God Monday" post. PLEASE make sure the link is to a specific post on your blog that is a personal testimony of how God has been at work in your life in the past week. Feel free to use the image from the top of this post if you like. Just right click the image and choose "save image as" then upload it into your post. Please contact me if you have any questions, and spread the word to your blogging friends!
If you don't have a blog, please feel free to leave your works of God testimony in the comment section!!
What an inspiration I would love to see this happen in my garage.
I don't have time to place a post on my blog today, but I am praising the Lord for how he worked in VBS last week at our church. Last year we had a high of 17 kids. This year the Lord brought 25 kids and on Friday we had 13 parents come and attend VBS with their children. It was a great blessing to be able to reach out and interact with these children and their parents. Please pray as we begin following up with this kids.
Wow, you are getting a lot done before that baby arrives! Just a couple weeks to go!
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