Tuesday, April 8

More Free Money

Revolution Money Exchange is a relatively new alternative to Paypal - the great news is that there are no fees to send money, no fees to receive money, and you can use the service to transfer or request money to anyone who also has a Revolution Money Exchange account. The website has some suggestions of how to use the service.

"Pay a friend back for dinner without hitting the ATM. Give a roommate your half of the rent without writing a check. Send a sibling cash to cover your half of mom’s present" and all of these sound pretty practical to me. In addition, you can add the button to your site if you sell things online, and collect your money with NO PAYPAL FEES. This is very very exciting for anyone doing business online!!

The REAL bonus is, until April 15 they are giving you $25 just for signing up! Talk about easy money!! I signed up for an account, and so did Michael, so we've got $50 for about 3 minutes of our time. Click on the button in my sidebar to find out more! (I get $10 when you create an account, just like anyone you refer will add an additional $10 to your account!)


The Two of Us said...

stinky! I just signed up under moneysavingmom.com.

I should have checked here first!

Unknown said...

I'd do this but I don't like that they ask for your social security number. Sorry!

Jenny said...

Al, that threw me for a loop as well, until I found out that since 9/11, all banking sites have to ask for SSN's to avoid funding terrorism. When I found out it was a law, I felt a little better. But if you don't feel comfortable, don't feel pressure from me! I just wanted to pass on the news...

Carrie said...

thanks so much - were rolling in the money now - $60 and counting...