Thursday, April 3


P.I.R. = Pregnancy Induced Retardation, term courtesy of my dear youth pastor, Mike VerWay. I'm not sure if it is original with him, but when he first used it to describe the actions of his wife Brenda in my presence, and they both laughed, I was puzzled and slightly indignant that he would use such terminology to describe his wife's behavior.

Then, years later, I was pregnant with Aaron and found that the forgetfulness, amnesia, and just generally stupid things I was doing were indeed aptly labeled "PIR." To my great chagrin, I have not escaped this malady during this pregnancy. I find that PIR has made a comeback, causing me to do and say the craziest things.

You know, things like putting the milk in the cupboard. Or almost shaking chili powder on my oatmeal when I really wanted cinnamon. You know, things like that. (TOTALLY hypothetical, of course)

Anybody else have any good PIR stories? Please tell me I'm not alone.


Kara said...

Oh where do I begin.

Abby said...

Oh, mine would be sticking my head IN the running ceiling fan 3 times (not just once, twice, but THREE) while decorating the Christmas tree - yup - that was great!!

Rachel said...

If you've read my latest post on my chiropractor visit, you will know that I belong to the P.I.R. club. :)

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Preparation H on a toothbrush... that's all I'm going to say =)

The Barkers said...

Cereal in the fridge...

Karen said...

HA! I'm giggling aloud at the idea of chili powder on oatmeal.

I'm a card-carrying member of the PIR club. Naturally, though, I can't think of a single thing at the moment.

Anonymous said...

do you remember the entire conversation about p.i.r. underneath a totally unrelated pic of mine on facebook? =)

Richelle Wright said...

Lost keys (although PIR can't explain that problem today)...

Losing my car in the parking lot (although that's not happened here - there are only three spots)...

Overflowing sinks and bathtubs because I got distracted doing something else...

Using three bulbs of garlic instead of three cloves...

You know, Jenny - I've had enough pregnancies that this list could go on for quite awhile, but I'll stop there. You aren't alone.

Unfortunately, PIR can't explain why I walked back into the bedroom at least 10 different times to promptly forget why I made the trip.

LeAnna said...

Oh Jenny, totally hilarious! I hear you though. I did weird things and dreamed weird things too - penguins and bread on slides... :) I like the term you came up with, we call it mommy brain or pregnancy brain since anytime after you have even one baby you are apt to do these things. :)

ruth said...

Hey, I've used chili powder instead of cinnamon before, and I'm not pregnant. But then, I apparently also put quarters in hand dryers, so what does that tell ya?

LMLogan said...

well this morning I put milk on top of the fridge and cereal in the fridge....does that count! :) these are hilarious I'm laughing so hard!!

Kelly Glupker said...

It looks like I'm the one that's alone. I have never experienced anything like this.