Tuesday, October 30

Fifteen Months

Today was Aaron's 15 month checkup, and we are praising the Lord that he is healthy as can be. Dr. Jordahl was happy to see that he has been steadily gaining - and I guess he's not as much of a porker as I would have thought. He's 23 pounds, which puts him right in the 25th percentile for weight, and 30 inches tall, which qualifies him for the 50th percentile for height. And also means that we've got precious few months before putting something up on the counter will not be the solution to "off limits" items. Every day is an adventure - we are so grateful for the blessings of God!


dan and cheryl forbes said...

We are grateful for the blessings of God, too -- Jenny, Michael and Aaron are gifts of God to us! Happy 15 months Aaron.

Janelle said...

WOW! My Aaron is 2 1/2 and weighs about 25 pounds, so do count your blessings! The doctors have been concerned about his weight since he was born. I guess he's just going to be a little guy! What a great picture too by the way!

Rachel said...

Yay for Aaron! He sure is a little cutie pie. Yup - clear out some extra cupboard space for the off limit items before his little, extendo arms can grab anything and everything off of your counters. :)