Tuesday, March 16

And I journey forth.

So, five days ago I decided to do something that previously, I had thought to be quite drastic. I decided to cut the deliciousness of wheat gluten out of my diet completely.

I'll back up. I've been having some pretty mysterious and yet consistent symptoms for probably the last 6 months. It could be several things, I haven't seen a doctor - I'm very hesitant to do that knowing the first thing they will do is send me for lab work. I think you know how hesitant I am to do lab work!!

After some research, gluten seemed like a possible culprit. (many people are gluten sensitive or gluten intolerant and not really know it!) So far, it hasn't been that bad. Ask me in a month, I might have a different answer. I DO already notice a difference in several areas; I can only hope and pray that the solution is this easy!! An added benefit is that there are not as many quick snacks available, so fruit and vegetables have become an automatic go-to. No one can argue with the benefits of more fruit and veggies!

There is one major problem that I can see. For 5 days I basically just modified my diet from ingredients I have around the house - brown rice, meat, peanut butter with fruit & vegetables, corn tortillas, etc. And if I continued to do that, the difference in cost would be negligible. However, if I want a substitution for pasta or bread, the cost is crazy, CRAZY.

I went to Meijer today and saw a tiny 12-oz loaf of gluten free bread on the shelf for $7.19. Not that I would buy that loaf, but still. I bought a bag of gluten free baking mix and some brown rice flour - oh, and a pizza crust mix. Sticker SHOCK! I guess I'll have to learn some tricks of the trade and find some lower priced options or better sources if this continues to be the lifestyle - or just keep eating rice and beans!!

I am excited to check out the middle eastern market & deli that just opened up in my town - hoping for some fun options there!! And if anyone out there has some fabulous recommendations or tested recipes, I would love to hear them!!


Shelldell said...

We live near Bob's Red Mill where they make gluten free products. I took your mom and dad there for lunch once.
they are on line and you can have products delivered to your house, if you can't find them in Michigan.

Laura Railing said...

Have you thought about biofeedback testing? It will tell you much more than allergy tests. It tells you exactly what you are sensitive to. A friend of mine thought her daughter was allergic to dairy so they switched to soy and she kept having allergic reactions. They did the testing and it turns out she was allergic to cheddar instead! it's pretty simple. They just take a hair follicle and swab of saliva and test it. Also tells you if you're prone to things like anxiety, etc. There is a salon/spa here that does it and it's like $75 ( I know. Not cheap. but still. informative!) Maybe google it? it can be so hard to tell what's up in a diet!

Anonymous said...

Jenny, we know REALLY know gluten-free around this house so let me know if I can help. Amazon is the best place I've found for ordering if you get serious enough to use cases of anything. Vitacost(often can buy less than a case) is good but no free shipping. Good luck.

Cindy B.