Tuesday, February 9

I interrupt this blog

I found something, today, that I've been hoping to find. This decluttering business is a beautiful process. I found my creative writing journal from college. Creative Writing was one of my elective classes, and I loved it. I was a music education major, and the only reason I was ALLOWED to have electives was that I took an extra year to complete my program. It was entirely worth it. I have found that in my post-collegiate years, my fondest memories are of those elective classes.

So today I found a folder with assorted poems, snapshots, and short stories. Among them, a story that was an assignment, and that I honestly did not remember writing. I certainly giggled my way through it. What a happy surprise amongst the boxes of paper clutter and files of notes from college.

Julia says to scan everything. A great idea. I think I need to buy a better scanner and pay someone to work the night shift, scanning our reams of notes. Or I could recycle the mess of them, and call Julia if I need notes from college. *grin*

And now, a taste of my previous (more literary) life:

at Grace A Dow Library
I sit in the public library
watching out
wet windows
silvery drops sliding down

Beside me, two high school boys
point and click to sites of choice.
From time to time they ask each other
how to spell tattoo
and dragon.
And I think to myself,
how bright our future.


Elizabeth Curtis said...

Jenni--you honestly should send the library a copy of your post--the whole thing. Even the story of loving the extra class, and finding the journal while de-cluttering!

Curt and Sarah said...

While organizing at our house, I recently found some of your college creations, too. It's trendy now! :)

Thanks, again, for sharing part of you in words. 'Twas good stuff.

Jennifer Neuenschwander said...

Jenny! I loved that class, too! You were part of the reason I loved it, btw! Hope to read more. I'm going to look for mine...

Mary Ann said...

I took that class as well! It was fun, fun, fun! I found my notebook quite a while ago & have actually written a few other things in it. Writing is so relaxing, don't you think?