Wednesday, December 1

Advent Begins

So, I didn't get my super-cool Advent calendar done for this year - but I was visiting with a friend yesterday and I remembered what we'd done last year with Aaron - a cheap little cardboard Advent Calendar with which we taught him the Story.

(Here is a clip of his version)

He's changed so much in a year - this was totally worth a revisit for me. What is your plan for the Advent season? Do you have any special traditions as you count down the days to Christmas?


Tiff said...

I could watch this all day... "and SUDDENLY the Angels appeared... A LOT"... gets me every time. LOL. But truly so precious and such a great idea.

Carrie said...

We are doing a Jesse tree again this year, using the free devotional from Ann Voskamp. Even though it's a little over the kids' heads, we are enjoying it! We also have an advent calendar my mom made for us--a "fun" one, not the Advent story. When I was growing up, we didn't do anything for Advent other than a countdown calendar, so I really enjoy starting these new traditions with our kids!

bdodge said...

LOVE it!!!