Tuesday, March 6

biting, um...

Aaron likes to chew things. Especially things with tags, which are commonly located on stuffed animals' posteriors. Looks funny if you ask me, but who am I to question the developmental process of young minds?


Reads said...

Glad to hear Audrey isn't the only one. Audrey goes for any tag she can get her mouth on including pillow tags. Maybe we should cut them off?? Who knows what is so appealing to them; maybe just the fact they can fit it in their mouths. . . it's small enough. Iguess we'll never know.

Anonymous said...

That trait definitely comes from the Muth in him, eh?
and no picture? Where's the love...

Elaine said...

My kids loved to chew on tags too. Someone bought Bryan Paul a "taggie" plush animal, which he loved, and made me feel better about the habit!

mike.kris said...

I hear you about the tag fascination. Aayla doesn't chew them too much, rather she bats the tags back and forth with her fingers. LOVE the video of Aaron "crawling"!!!