Thursday, November 8

October (and a sneak preview)

I've started and stopped several blog posts. Obviously nothing has posted since the end of September.  I stopped linking my blog to Facebook due to concerns I had and am still considering a permanent breakup with that confounded social network.  I feel like it's similar to junk food - so horrible - yet so delicious!

Our October seemed to pass in a whirlwind of last-of-harvest scurrying, sickness, sleep, and more exhaustion.  Each year, I feel more poignantly that life is indeed a vapor.

The kids are doing great.  We're enjoying our homeschool adventure and LOVE being part of Classical Conversations.  We keep it simple and parts of me wonder if we're doing enough but we're also learning child-directed things that traditional school would not leave opportunity for - and I had clear confirmation a week or so ago that we made the right decision for this year for our family.  God is good to give us assurances like that.

Aaron is reading everything he sees with a curiosity and hunger that is awesome to watch.  I love being part of this reading journey with him.  He is starting to write stories on his own, is constantly asking excellent questions and is equal parts crazy kid and maturing person.  It is humbling to be tasked with parenting this child.  He is pretty neat.

Evan is growing like a weed and is showing interest in drawing people and making forts.  He loves to have fun and he's our little TV junkie. He is very empathetic and is working on his listening skills.  :-)  He's always ready to help and loves his sister to the moon!  (he loves his brother too)

Cadence is getting around quite well, but like her eldest brother, tends to err on the side of caution and is only standing unsupported when no one else is looking or when something gets her attention and she forgets to hold on.  She's very much attached to her little dolls and is quite adept at communicating most of the time.  I personally think she's brilliant - but I'm sure I am biased.  She also eats more than I do every single day.

Very soon - a giveaway!  I was contacted by TinyPrints to do a sponsored post - free code for $50 off YOUR order is in the works! Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

I absolutely know what you mean about facebook! I am thinking of deactivating my account because I have a job interview on Monday (thank God!) & I've heard that one of the regular questions these days is to provide your fb logon information so that they can have a look around. I find that incredibly invasive & I don't even want to have to deal with it.
Your kids are an obvious joy to you & that is a blessing to read. And the events of this year especially have taught me also that life is a vapor. The Lord tells us so several times but just like many other things, my stubborn mind just doesn't want to accept it.
I'm excited to hear about the giveaway! Thanks for sharing with us :-)