You know that thing where I said, "I'm going to do this until it isn't working for me anymore"? Yeah, well, that happened.
May was my last regular post. In June, we overspent. In July, we overspent. In August, we upped the food budget to $650 and did much better. In September, we lost the vast majority of the contents of our big freezer, which was a huge blow to the menu, (but a huge bonus to have a clean freezer) and in October, we pretty much missed entering receipts for several categories because we were so, SO discouraged by unexpected expense after unexpected expense that trashed our overall budget plans and caused us to wrongfully default to our "just don't spend money" plan...
...which is always super ineffective, since knowing is half the battle.
In November, we are fighting to be vigilant. We are 10 days from the end of the month. We are on track. We are looking forward to the end of 2019. And, we are still at a target of $650/month for our grocery budget. I feel this is much more reasonable, considering our dietary restrictions and our growing kids whose appetites have me wondering if they will be hibernating this winter instead of doing all the things kids do.
I have learned much in this almost-completed year of experiments. About my own sense of entitlement, about my gratitude and lack thereof, about my selfishness, about how tightly I hold things, not necessarily food, but that too. More than food - my ideas and really, idols - of self sufficiency and pride in my accomplishments, even if they are silly like staying under budget...and I have learned to contrast what seems to be my pity party of fewer choices, but what is really my abundance, with the world's needs. I am learning to share without apologizing for perceived shortcomings. That's going to still be a struggle until the day I die.
I pray we can be better and better at managing the resources God has given us. Thank you for coming along with us on our journey!