What do you do when God WORKS and you don't really
like it? I'm one hundred percent certain that it means the problem is with me and my thinking, and not with God and His working.
just one example:
For the past couple of months some of our closest friends here have been considering what God would have them do about moving. Not across town or even to another town nearby. No.
Across the country. Pretty much as far away from Michigan as you can get and still be in the US. God has definitely been working to show them each step in this process, and it's not like it's a done deal - they are still praying, and I am still in complete and total denial. Friends like this just don't happen every day. I have to be honest. I. don't. want. them. to. move. But God might, and I need to be okay with that.
So here is where the practical part of my theology, my view of God, is supposed to kick in, and I'm supposed to start asking the right kind of questions.
What do I know to be true about God? He is Sovereign, He has a plan, it is for our good, it will give Him glory, He wants us to trust Him, He loves us, He knows what is best. He has promised to lead us, never leave us, give grace, give wisdom, provide, and the list goes on. (I'm already reassured, how about you?)
What do I know to be true about myself? I do not know best, I am not perfect, am not eternally minded, have no idea what God's long-term plans are, cannot be trusted, have a heart that is sinful and selfish. I am helpless, without wisdom, weak, needy.
Sounds like the perfect fit. As long as I trust Him. And guess what? There are more things God is doing that, at first look, are "uncomfortable" for me. But He is at work in my heart, too. He gives more grace, more strength for me to trust Him in every situation, every day. I cannot handle the daunting task of yielding my will, of trusting, but God can. He is working - in our friends, in this specific situation, and in my heart.
I am learning. Slowly, but richly - beyond knowing in my head. I am growing in grace. I am growing in the knowledge of my Lord and Savior, a knowledge that comes by experience, by tasting to see that the Lord is GOOD. And I am learning to praise Him, to bless His name, His works, at all times.