Thursday, November 18

8 days/7 days

OK, I realize it's getting a little ridiculous - I know it is a week away so I'm combining. :-) I have been counting the day AND Thanksgiving, but really we should not count Thanksgiving! Silly me, I never was any good at math.

1. Thankful for BSF and the Isaiah study. Today we were reminded that God has a plan, and He will prevail, that no one can thwart His plans. What a comfort in the midst of living in this crazy world!!
2. I am thankful that the kids love LOVE their BSF classes. And that they can be counted on to take good naps on Thursdays.
3. I love naptime! Ahhh, quiet house.
4. And today, I am thankful for the 5 quarts of Northern Spy applesauce sitting on the counter, popping away as it seals. Aaron helped turn the crank on the foley food mill. He's quite a helper! Tomorrow I may try pie filling.
5. Thankful for being alive and getting to enjoy my two precious boys, all day most days. The challenges are there, the craziness is definitely there. But I wouldn't trade these guys for the world.
6. Thankful for friends who don't mind sharing great coupons. (thanks, Erin)
7. Thankful for REBATES ON APPLIANCES that just came in the mail. Yeehaw!

What are YOU thankful for today??


dan and cheryl forbes said...


Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a stellar day! Since I was copying you on the # of the day thing I also messed up. But I'm THANKFUL for being able to post twice today. Certainly have plenty to be thankful for!

Your #5 is dead on for me. Craziness, weariness but AWESOME and I'm so glad I can soak up my kids fully by staying home.