1. A nice warm house (we turned on the boiler and turned up the heat last week)
2. A nice warm QUIET house this morning for a few minutes before the kids woke up. Hurray!
3. Kids waking up happy and rested
4. Sleep, to heal the body
5. Delicious coffee
6. A fabulous kitchen, slowly taking shape despite my indecisiveness about the kitchen faucet. *grin*
Join me, if you like, in this pre-Thanksgiving countdown. Would you leave a link in the comments if you do??
like your sink, Thanksgiving is only 12 days away for us since we are having it early. We are thankful for seeing our oldest daughter and husband and having all our family together that live in the area.
Jenny, I'm not going to let myself be envious of your beautiful kitchen -- I know you have had to endure a lot to get it this way.
I posted a list of a few of the things I am thankful for today http://hallofblessings.blogspot.com/2010/11/18-days-until-thanksgiving.html
Thankful for God's functioning grace and His forgiveness when I'm impatient with my bustling almost-3 year old. And coffee of course!
Thanks so much for the reminder to be grateful! Today I am grateful that I could sleep in a bit & just wear a hat to work b/c I am once again fighting a bad cold. I am super grateful for how sleep refreshes, medicine that strengthens, & a sweet husband that doesn't mind when things get let 'go' so I can rest. And to second Alicia, coffee of course! :-)
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