1. I hate the way companies think they can get away with incorrect grammar in their commercials. I especially hate it when they are national companies. What is up with G2 "Less calories for more athletes" GRRRR. Calories can be counted, people!! It's FEWER. (I don't pull a Mrs. M during "Amazing Grace" and sing "there's no fewer days to sing God's praise" but I will admit that bugs me too)
2. My hilarious 7 month old had a chest x-ray this week to rule out pneumonia, which we did. He doesn't have it. So that is good. And even better is how the x-ray went. During the test he had to be strapped in like this (except Evan's hands barely reached the top of the contraption) and the tech and I were both expecting him to cry. The tech had been doing infant x-rays for over two years and said that only 2 infants had ever not cried. Evan giggled and made faces at me. He was infant #3.
3. We have fun at our house. It was awesome weather this week. My husband is crazy, in a good way, and makes me laugh. Here's proof. (He got a haircut soon after this photo)
4. I started seeds this week, the peppers I am growing are from seeds out of a pepper we ate - I don't know why I haven't saved seeds like this before. They are already sprouting. And I hope to plant some snow peas this weekend, in some new raised beds that are going to be constructed this weekend. Phase 1 of landscaping has begun. If you know how to make raised beds and have a special trick or hint, let me know (Shelley) :-)
5. Here is a video to make you laugh. It is one reason I go crazy; the reason this song gets stuck in my head.
6. and finally, I tried Starbucks new instant coffee this morning - I got some samples in the mail - and you would never, never guess that it was instant. And I'm not getting paid to say that. I'm glad it came, 'cause I needed caffeine this morning and all I have is decaf in the house.
That's all!
I have to say...
I enjoyed hearing Michael singing it, far more than Aaron! :)
yeah, he's a funny one. :-)
That was great! Michael, you are a hoot! Thanks for sharing :)
Too funny! Oh, and we got some of the coffee too. I'll have to tell Vince you gave it a thumbs up - he's a Starbucks guy!
I've never noticed that Amazing Grace was grammatically incorrect! It's my favorite hymn, so I hope it doesn't bug me when I hear now.
If you're a fan of companies using proper grammar, you may be interested in a book just released, Booher’s Rules of Business Grammar: 101 Fast and Easy Ways to Correct the Most Common Errors (McGraw-Hill) by Dianna Booher. Less versus Fewer is one of the common errors she points out.
You have a beautiful and fun family.
All the best,
that was a good one. i may regret clicking on that in about an hour though... the kiddies are big fans of michael's version. :~)
garden supply has a fun garden planning guide on their web site.
They have lots of great ideas for raised bed construction.
When we started out we used ceadar and painted it with a non toxic product so the wood wouldn't rot.
Now we are doing it expensively with concrete bricks at seating level with concrete and rebar.
Only because we are planning to stay here a very long time Lord willing.
You may have seen pictures of them on the blog before.
I posted the link on gardeninlewisburg website which is on my blog under family and friends.
There is also lots of useful garden information on that site.
Cute video:).
You guys are so fun! I'd much rather hear your husband singing than Boz. That's all Abby wants to watch right now.
Praising God that there's no pneumonia... thanks for the update.
and... technically i guess this goes with a different post, but due to my internet capacity, i'll do it all at once... i'm glad i'm not the only parent who asks those sure to not be understood questions just to see what they say... hilarious! come visit some time and we can all roll down the sand dunes!
The girls and I just watched the hilarious video. LOL! We enjoyed seeing Michael being his silly self and Aaron joining in. :-)
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