In this life, I'm often in the middle range of things. Actually, almost all of us are, when I think about it. I'm not the wealthiest but I'm not the poorest either. I'm not breaking world records for fatness or thinness. I'm average in looks, intelligence, abilities. In athletics, I'm solidly toward the bottom, but I am thankful that I have the ability to try!
Eternity is a completely different story. There is no middle ground. As we searched for Scripture passages that describe the conditions of hell, I couldn't help but contrast that description to our other option - the glories of heaven. There are only two options.
And really, even on here on earth there are only two mindsets - please myself or glorify God. It's just the shades of what that looks like that tend to confuse us.
How is it that God, in His mercy and love, chose to allow me to understand the Gospel? How is it that He has forgiven me? It's definitely not because of my own merit. His mercy. An amazing concept.
So I was flooded with gratefulness yesterday - gratefulness that I can be in a relationship with God, grateful that He allows me to witness Him at work, grateful for His mercy, and for so much more that I don't even begin to comprehend. A flood. Everything, at all times, is all about God and nothing, NOTHING about me. Praise the Lord.
So what do YOU have to praise God for this week? Has God provided in a miraculous way? Taught you more about Him? Given you an opportunity to share Christ with others? Please share it here!
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up..." 1 Thess. 5:11
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