I've posted before about how God sometimes works in ways we don't like - ways that, in our flawed humanity, we think are NOT with our best interests in mind - however, we know from His Word that His plan is always best. I pray that I can point people to Him and be filled with joy and peace when my life is butterflies and daisies, and when things happen that really seem to stink.
I've been watching God at work, increasing trust, being a strong tower, providing, and holding up. There are a lot of people going through some hard circumstances - and I'd be lying if I said I was exempt. It's awesome, though, to watch God give exactly the grace needed for the circumstances He puts us in. I am believing that God is always working out His plan, and trusting that He knows what He is doing!!!
I've also seen some amazing blessings this week - a good friend from high school delivered a baby after a complicated and stressful pregnancy - he was 5 1/2 weeks early and born breathing on his own. This situation was dire - there were times that because of the specific complications, I (and the doctors) had much uncertainty about a good outcome. I got to watch God do miracles, and my friend and her child are both all right. I'm very thankful for this!
Sunday, our youth pastor was able to speak of God's provision for his family in unbelievable ways - an encouragement to me! I am so glad that as fellow believers we can rejoice together at the incredible things God does - the things that make us jump for joy as well as the times we run to Him asking for comfort and hope.
I'm praying that no matter where you find yourself this morning and this week, that you can look for God's work and rejoice that He is always, without fail, GOOD.
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up..." 1 Thess. 5:11
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