What do you do when you cannot stop thinking about someone? I pray, as it is all I can do. But only God could continue to bring the same person continually to mind, right? Prayer is one of those strange & wonderful mysteries to me. Thinking about it too much makes my head hurt.
God is sovereign, all knowing, all powerful. The Holy Spirit prays for us when we do not have the words. We are commanded to pray. Jesus taught us to pray. There are many instances in the Bible that it seems that prayer was the means God used to change the expected course of His actions. Strange and wonderful. However it all works together, I am thankful to know God hears and answers prayer. And I'm looking with anticipation toward a time I can hear of God working in my friend's life in the circumstances that are currently surrounding. I see that God is working in the reactions and responses from the friend, and am trusting in faith that God is going to continue to work, and I keep praying toward that end.
How is God at work in your life this week? Is He bringing someone to mind for you to pray for? Encouraging you through His Word or through others? Has He provided for you this week? Share it here!
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up..." 1 Thess. 5:11
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