It seems that our kids make huge leaps in short amounts of time - do yours? I've been having the best conversations with Aaron lately about God and spiritual things. It seems like a month ago he was still singing the ABC's a million times in a row and enjoying every minute and now he's asking things like "why is the Bible God's Word?" and "Where is God?"
This is VERY exciting to me, to watch his awareness of God growing. It's also great to listen to his sweet voice recite Scripture and sing hymns and songs about God. I praise God for His work in Aaron and in the same breath beg for the wisdom I need to parent these amazing blessings. God is so good!
So, how have you been seeing God at work this week? How is God blessing your family, working in your life by encouraging, convicting, providing? Please share!
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up..." 1 Thess. 5:11
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Eric and I are leading a FPU class and are being blessed by how it changing peoples lives, they are cutting up credit cards and aggressively paying off debts, getting on a budget.
God is so good
It's so exciting to hear about Aaron's questions and how he is growing and changing. I'm praying with you as you continue to point him and Evan to our great God!
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