I was also encouraged that there were so many participants in Works of God Monday last week! I love reading about your blessings!
My first Pampered Chef cooking show was really fun, and not at all scary. I remembered almost everything that I was supposed to say, and that is a miracle considering the mommy brain syndrome that I suffer from. Ha ha. It was a great party, thanks for your prayers and well wishes.
I am praying that God will allow me to meet and exceed a very specific goal for this month, and I'm trying not to stress about it. It's really just a little thing, and it doesn't really matter in the scope of eternity, but it would be nice to be able to meet my goal! I've already been reassured that God has this job for me right now - and I am thankful!
I was able to attend a wedding this weekend at our church - it was a great wedding and really neat to watch the bride & groom exude happiness and love for each other. It made me happy for them and what is to come in their marriage. It also made me thankful for my own fabulous husband, with whom I grow more deeply in love every day. He is absolutely perfect for me!
So, how has God been showing Himself at work in your life? Has he shown you something in your Bible reading time? Encouraged you through a friend or co-worker? Given you an opportunity to trust Him? Share it here!
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up..." 1 Thess. 5:11
In the Mister Linky widget below, simply type your name in the top box, or a short description of the work that God has done, and then in the second box, paste the link from your specific "Works of God Monday" post. If you don't have a blog, use the comment section! Feel free to use the image from the top of this post if you like.
I don't usually post on these b/c I have a closed blog but there is so much that God has been doing in our lives. One "small" thing has been my desire to teach piano lessons again. After we moved to TN, I didn't want anything to do with teaching for a while. Recently, I have felt the pull to pick up a few students. I purposed in my heart NOT to force this to happen and to watch and allow God to open and/or shut doors. Well, last night, one of my dear friends asked if I would teach her lessons!! What a DIRECT answer to prayer! It may be a little thing but to me it is HUGE because I can give God all of the praise and glory. :)
I thank the Lord for his grace each day and that he meets our needs and fills our hearts to overflowing.
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