What a busy busy month this is turning out to be! We are having a great time, though, and are humbled that God continuously chooses to bless us.
We are blessed to have been visited by Malcham, Michael's brother. He and Michael worked really hard to accomplish a pretty big project in our backyard. The photos are here. Be forewarned, there are some adorable photos of my kiddos in that album too. *grin* A big thanks to Malcham - it would have been quite difficult for Michael to get that done on his own.
Our good friend Kris' visit was too short, but it was so great to see him again. We are renewed in our prayer effort for their ministry in California.
Then, part of the Janke family came for a visit and a Pampered Chef party. It was fantastic to see them again and catch up. God is so gracious to allow us to have friends that honor Him and to also let us watch His work in our friends lives!
God also provided a lawn mower for us, a brand new one. What a blessing! We are so grateful, and we'll be selling the old, in-need-of-a-carbureator mower at our garage sale, which we are hoping will be this coming weekend. It's high time to clean out the garage and make some extra cash with our junk!
This week is VBS at our church. I was hoping to help, but I've lost my voice. I will be praying from home and perhaps helping later in the week if my voice comes back.
I'm also thankful to God for His guidance in our lives. Michael and I are working toward some new goals together, and I'm grateful for a godly spouse who encourages me and wants us to grow. I'm praising the Lord for my fabulous husband!!
So, how has God been at work in your life? How has He reminded you of His character this week, or provided for your needs? Leave a comment or link your blog in the comment section so that I and others can rejoice with you!
God is good always.
Praise to the Lord!
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