This c-section stuff really cramps my style. No driving, no energy, an incision...
But I am glad that God gives grace and that I am finally starting to feel better!!! Hurray!
Here's the story:
Monday, July 31, 8pm
Cervadil administered at the hospital. I had to be on a continuous monitor, and of course the little guy kept moving around and setting off the needless to say I did not get a good night's sleep.
Tuesday, August 1, 8:42am
It was determined that the Cervadil did it's thing and that my cervix was effectively ripened. Oh, how I wanted to go home. Alas, I could not. Pitocin started.
I will interject here that the stories of horror and pain of laboring by way of Pitocin are, in my opinion, exaggerated. I did not find labor to be all that bad. Shoot me if you must, but it was really pretty tolerable for me. I am thankful.
My water broke, and I made quick progress from 4 to 7 centimeters
I was dilated to 9cm, and very ready to start pushing, so in order to help me relax through the premature urge to push, I was given some Nubain. Help me relax, it did indeed. Let's just say I was a little loopy. Aaron was put on an internal fetal monitor, another thing I swore I'd never do...ah, well. Better safe than sorry.
Dilated to 10 cm, and pushing began. What a relief. Aaron was still at a -2 station, and Dr. Jordahl thought I'd have about 2 more hours of pushing to do. He was concerned b/c each time I would push, Aaron's heart rate slowed considerably and he wasn't sure the baby could handle the stress of 2 more hours of labor. A C-section was recommended.
Let me just say that at this point it was a very good thing that I was on Nubain. I was so loopy that I didn't really know what was going on and thereby made it through surgery without having to think about all that was going on. I'm certain if I'd had to contemplate with an unaltered mind, it would have been much harder on me.
I'd like to take this opportunity to say that I am married to the most amazing man in the entire world. He is absolutely my perfect match. He stayed with me through surgery and watched the whole process (what a brave soul!) I remember him singing "trust in the Lord with all your heart..." and telling me everything was going to be all right, that no matter what happens, God is good. His calmness and confidence in God were better than any calming drugs, that is for sure!!!
I remember saying, "be sure to tell us what it is because we don't know" and then "Here comes a baby" from the doctor. I heard Michael's voice saying "It's a boy! It's a boy" and then the sweet sound of our little man's first cries. My wonderful husband stayed with me while they put everything back together and sewed me up, and Dr. Jordahl took care of little Aaron for us, cleaning him up and weighing him, and showing him to Grandma through the nursery window.
Praise God for his all sufficient Grace and His plan for our lives!!
Recovery has not been easy; but God has provided for our needs through my mom staying with me while Michael goes to work (I still can't drive). Meals are coming from friends at church. I'm slowly regaining strength and am grateful to have a healthy, happy baby boy!
Thank you so much for your prayers and comments, and for the great e-cards we got at the hospital. It's awesome to know that friends from all over are lifting our family to God in prayer. PLEASE CONTINUE!! We are hoping to move into our new house a week from Saturday. MUCH progress has been made, but we are still needing to set up our kitchen and connect our showerhead & tub faucet before we can move in.